Bye bye MIMA

After 9 incredible years, filled with creativity and thousands of visitors, the museum closed its doors on January 5th, 2025.

Raphaël Zarka

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I noted one day that the covers of those two magazines could have been the same: I remember a Thrasher that featured a very small skater at the top of the image, and telling myself that had I seen that photo in one art forum or another, I would have thought: “That’s the work of this or that performing artist; it’s either a critique or a homage.”

Interview by Seb Carayol, The Red Bulletin, 2017.

Raphaël Zarka (1977), a graduate of the Ecole Nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts is a versatile artist: sculptor, video maker, essayist and photographer. A skateboard enthusiast, he has published several works on its history and on the relation between the skater and the urban environment.

His minimalist, geometric drawings are reminiscent of sculptures without powerful forms that can be ridden by skaters.

His works are part of the collections of the Pompidou Centre, MUCAM and MIMA.

I noted one day that the covers of those two magazines could have been the same: I remember a Thrasher that featured a very small skater at the top of the image, and telling myself that had I seen that photo in one art forum or another, I would have thought: “That’s the work of this or that performing artist; it’s either a critique or a homage.”

Interview by Seb Carayol, The Red Bulletin, 2017.

Raphaël Zarka (1977), diplômé de l’École Nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, est un artiste pluridisciplinaire : sculpteur, vidéaste, essayiste et photographe. Passionné de skateboard, il a publié plusieurs ouvrages sur son histoire et sur la relation qu’il existe entre le skateur et l’espace urbain.

Ses dessins, minimaux et géométriques, rappellent ses sculptures aux formes puissantes qui peuvent être ridées par les skateurs.

Ses œuvres font partie des collections du Centre Pompidou, du MUCAM et du MIMA.

I noted one day that the covers of those two magazines could have been the same: I remember a Thrasher that featured a very small skater at the top of the image, and telling myself that had I seen that photo in one art forum or another, I would have thought: “That’s the work of this or that performing artist; it’s either a critique or a homage.”

Interview by Seb Carayol, The Red Bulletin, 2017.

Raphaël Zarka (1977) studeerde aan de Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts. Hij is een multidisciplinair kunstenaar die werkt als beeldhouwer, videast, essayist en fotograaf. Hij is verzot op skateboarden en publiceerde meerdere werken over de geschiedenis van deze wereld en de relatie tussen de skater en de stedelijke ruimte.

Zijn minimalistische, geometrische tekeningen doen denken aan zijn krachtig vormgegeven sculpturen, die door skaters kunnen worden gebruikt.

Zijn werk is te zien in de collecties van het Centre Pompidou, het MUCAM en het MIMA.

Artist's works